
platform.panels.applications.helper=Here, you can select which applications are available in the Applications Bar (on the left, by default). Any new application will be displayed there. If you want to remove some of them, you just need to drag and drop the icon from the first box to the other. Don't forget to save your changes!
platform.panels.applications.displayedapps=Applications in the bar
platform.panels.applications.blacklistedapps=Applications not in the bar
platform.panels.applications.ajax.success=The configuration has been saved.
platform.panels.applications.ajax.csrf=CSRF validation failed. Try to reload the page.
platform.panels.applications.ajax.noright=You do not have the right to edit PanelsCode.ApplicationsPanelConfiguration.
platform.panels.applications.ajax.error=Failed to save your change.
admin.panels.applications=Applications Panel

Created by Administrator on 2014/10/22 17:10