Changes for document Scribo

#xwikibuttonentrystart('' $services.localization.render('') 'tmMoreActions' 'btn-default' 'cog') Content #xwikibuttonentryend()
From version 1.1
edited by Ludovic Dubost
on 2015/03/10 14:28
To version 2.1
edited by Jean Simard
on 2015/09/17 11:00
Change comment: There is no comment for this version

Metadata changes

Document author

Content changes

... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -XWiki coordinates the [[SCRIBO>>url:]] project - Semi-automatic and Collaborative Retrieval of Information Based on Ontologies - a project sponsored by the System@tic competitiveness cluster. SCRIBO's aim is the development of algorithms and of free software tools for extracting knowledge from multimedia content (text or image) and also for semi-automatic annotations and collaborative digital documents. SCRIBO has a budget of 4.3M€ and brings together the AFP, the CEA LIST, the INRIA, the LRDE (Epita), Mandriva, Nuxeo, Proxem, Tagmatica and XWiki.
1 +XWiki coordinates the SCRIBO project - Semi-automatic and Collaborative Retrieval of Information Based on Ontologies - a project sponsored by the System@tic competitiveness cluster. SCRIBO's aim is the development of algorithms and of free software tools for extracting knowledge from multimedia content (text or image) and also for semi-automatic annotations and collaborative digital documents. SCRIBO has a budget of 4.3M€ and brings together the AFP, the CEA LIST, the INRIA, the LRDE (Epita), Mandriva, Nuxeo, Proxem, Tagmatica and XWiki.