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Status Macro 1.1

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

Small Application to manage chronological team status pages

Activity Report 1.0

0 Votes

by: Sergiu Dumitriu

Shows wiki or farm activity reports based on the stored ActivityStream events

XWiki Enterprise Flavor - Main Wiki 9.4

Version 6.4.1 is installed

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Default set of wiki pages containing both content and default applications for XWiki Enterprise Main Wiki.

Multiselect custom display 1.6

Version 1.4 is installed

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost, Marta Girdea, Anca Luca, Raluca Stavro, Paul Pantiru, Mohamed Boussaa

This is a custom suggest displayer for DBList object properties which adapts the suggest feature to multiple selection.

Template selector for PDF export 1.1

0 Votes

by: Raluca Stavro

Select from a list of templates which one will be used for the current PDF export

Home Page Application 1.0

0 Votes

by: Vincent Massol

Home Page Application allowing the user to choose what the home looks like

Toolbox Application 1.0

0 Votes

by: Jerome

Adds a toolbox of useful links to the UI

Figure Macro API 15.4.4

0 Votes

by: Manuel Leduc, Vincent Massol, XWiki Development Team

API for manipulating Figure blocks

Document Changelog Server 1.1.1

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne

Expose a REST API to get a log of document modifications

Watchlist API 12.5.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

API to manipulate a user's WatchList.

Navigation Menu Config Application 1.0

Version 6.4.1 is installed

0 Votes

by: Anca Luca

Simple configuration tool for an instance of the navigation menu

Old Todo Application 1.2

0 Votes

by: Vincent Massol

Lets you create Todo tasks, assign them and schedule them

Text Editing WebViewer 0.1.0

0 Votes

by: Caleb James DeLisle, XWiki SAS

Example Text Editing WebViewer

Classification Application 1.3.1

0 Votes

by: Thomas Delafosse

Enables to create hierarchies

Rights UI Simplifier 1.2

0 Votes

by: Paul Pantiru, Denis Gervalle

A more user friendly application for managing rights to groups.

Wiki Manager API 5.4.7

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

XWiki Platform - Wiki Manager - API

Ice ColorTheme 1.0

0 Votes

by: Marta Girdea, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)

Ice flavoured Color Theme

Share AppWithinMinutes Application 1.3

0 Votes

by: Oana Florea, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica), Marius Dumitru Florea, Nicolas Lemoine, Benjamin Lanciaux

Share an application created with AppWithinMinutes by publishing it as an extension

SQL Server Hibernate Dialect for XWiki 1.0

0 Votes

by: Denis Gervalle

Fix hibernate SQL Server dialect to work properly with XWiki

XWiki 1.0 syntax parser 7.4

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

XWiki 1.0 syntax parser
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Created by Administrator on 2011/11/19 00:20