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Jabber Status Macro 1.0

0 Votes

by: Vincent Massol

Show the status of a Jabber username

Group REST Server 1.1.1

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne

Expose a REST API to access various groups informations

BatchImport Sharepoint Blog Extension 1.0

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

BatchImport extension allowing to import Sharepoint Blog exports.

Spoiler Macro 1.0

0 Votes

by: Jerome

Allow you to add hidden elements in the content of a page

XMPP Chat Server Module 1.0

0 Votes

by: Fabio Mancinelli, Ludovic Dubost

XMPP Chat Server Moduler, using Vysper

Cookies Disclaimer 1.0

0 Votes

by: Victor Rachieru

Inform users about the use of cookies on their wiki

Application Index Application 8.2-milestone-2

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Displays the list of installed Applications

Unified Documents Application 1.2.3

0 Votes

by: Clément Aubin, Stéphane Laurière

Contrib extension which depends on xwiki-platform

Wanted Pages Application 0.3.1

0 Votes

by: Eden Biskin

Provides a page listing and counting non-URL links on your wiki that point to nonexistent documents.

PAM Authenticator 1.0

0 Votes

by: Paul Landes

Password Authentication Module (PAM) bridge

Lightbox Macro 1.4

0 Votes

by: xwiki:XWiki.simba, Oana Florea

Displays an image slideshow in a lightbox

Calc Macro 1.1

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

Perform simple calculations and sums in Wiki tables

Newsletter Application 1.1

0 Votes

by: Oana Tabaranu, Manuel Smeria

Create newsletters using models and section elements and automatically send them to subscribers

Activiti Integration 1.0

0 Votes

by: Sorin Burjan

Integrates Activiti BPM Engine in XWiki

Livevalidation Macros 1.2

0 Votes

by: Denis Gervalle, Flavius Olaru

Wiki macros implementation of the LiveValidation javascript framework ( to be used with validation specified in XWiki classes.

Livetable Macro 2.0 1.0

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

Displays a standard Livetable using a Wiki Macro

LaTeX Process PDF Export API for Glossary Application 1.5.1

0 Votes

by: Sarthak Gupta, Vincent Massol, slauriere, Clément Aubin

LaTeX Process PDF Export API for the Glossary Application

RSS Macro 15.6

0 Votes

by: Vincent Massol, XWiki Development Team

Displays the contents of a RSS feed

DarkGreen ColorTheme 1.0

0 Votes

by: Raluca Stavro

Dark Green flavoured ColorTheme

Task executor 1.0

0 Votes

by: Fabio Mancinelli

A system that implements a queue for executing long-running tasks with logging facilities.
Created by Administrator on 2011/11/19 00:20