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Results 441 - 460 of 683 « previous page next page » Page 1 ... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ... 35

DokuWiki Syntax 3.0

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne, Shubham Jain, Neha Gupta, Michael Hamann

DokuWiki Syntax Parser

Confluence XML 9.52.0

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne, XWiki Development Team

Filter stream extension to parse a Confluence XML package

Legacy LDAP Authenticator 9.15.5

0 Votes

by: Denis Gervalle, Thomas Mortagne, Alex Cotiuga, XWiki Development Team

Legacy LDAP Authenticator

[Deprecated] Realtime Netflux Backend 1.6

0 Votes

by: Yann Flory, Caleb James DeLisle

Backend support for Realtime Applications using the Netflux API.

Mocca Calendar iCal export 2.9.5

0 Votes

by: Denis Gotthans, Clemens Robbenhaar, Thomas Mortagne

Add iCal export to Mocca Calendar

Trusted authentication framework 1.9.0

0 Votes

by: Denis Gervalle

A generic XWiki authentication service based on pluggable adapters to provide trusted authentication from external sources

Filesystem Browser Application 1.1

0 Votes

by: Sergiu Dumitriu

Allows to browse the filesystem on the server

Dawn Color Theme 1.0

0 Votes

by: Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)

Provides a color theme that uses transparencies on top of a bordo background

AppWithinMinutes Additional File Fields 1.0

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

Image and File fields for AppWithinMinutes

JIRA Administration 9.0

0 Votes

by: Vincent Massol, XWiki Development Team

Admin UI for the JIRA Configuration

Numbered Headings 1.2

0 Votes

by: Jeremie Bousquet

Displays numbered headings in the wiki

Confluence XHTML Syntax 9.52.0

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne, XWiki Development Team

XHTML based Confluence syntax

User notification Application 1.3.5

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne

Various users related notifications

Sunken Color Theme 1.0

0 Votes

by: Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)

A blue-gray theme for Flamingo Skin

Change Document User 2.2

0 Votes
Replace all occurences of the old user with the new user for the selected fields of existing documents.

XWiki Publication Workflow Review Application - UI 1.0

0 Votes

by: Mohamed Boussaa

This application is an improvement of the Publication Workflow Application so that the documents published through this extension feature a review date, a notification is sent to the publishers once the review date is reached.

AuthService Backport Application 1.1.1

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne

Allow adding support for component based authenticator in XWiki versions older than 15.3

LiveTable Property Editor 1.2

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

Allows to edit a field directly from a LiveTable

GitHub Importer Filter 1.6

0 Votes

by: Hassan Ali

Filter to import GitHub Pages as wiki pages

Table of Content Macro for Numbered Headings 1.10.2

0 Votes

by: Manuel Leduc, Michael Hamann

Override the default Table of Content and displays the headings numbers when they are
Created by Administrator on 2011/11/19 00:20