Add Extensions

Results 461 - 480 of 683 « previous page next page » Page 1 ... 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... 35

XWiki Rights API - Bridge 2.3

0 Votes

by: Gabriel Răileanu, Anca Luca, Clément Desableau, Mohamed Boussaa

Rights API - Bridge contains stuffs that depends/bridge oldcore and that are expected to be improved

Office365 Application 1.1.2

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

Integration of Office365 in XWiki

Nightfall ColorTheme 1.0

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Official ColorTheme

Like Application 16.7.1

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Like and unlike XWiki entities.

Organizational Chart Macro 1.0.1

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

Displays an organizational chart from list, json or xwiki data.

Confluence Syntax 1.1 9.52.0

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne, XWiki Development Team

Old Confluence wiki syntax

Image Lightbox Application 16.7.1

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Display images from the page content in a lightbox

TodoList Application using emberjs 1.2

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost

TodoList application with easy JS interface to edit the todos using the emberjs framework.

Wiki Manager Application 5.4.7

Version 6.4.1 is installed

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Manages creation and installation of children Wikis

Model Validation UI 16.7.1

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Admin UI for Model Validation

Numbered Figures Application 1.10.2

0 Votes

by: Manuel Leduc, Michael Hamann

Provides the User Interface for Numbered Figures.

Font Awesome 5 Icon Theme 1.1.2

0 Votes

by: Ecaterina Moraru (Valica)

Provides Font Awesome icon set as an Icon Theme

Annotation Application 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is installed

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Add annotations to wiki pages

Reference Macro for the Numbered Content Applications 1.10.2

0 Votes

by: Manuel Leduc, Michael Hamann

Provides a macro to reference numbered contents.

Delete Empty Document Versions 1.1

0 Votes

by: Eduard Moraru

Delete empty document versions that take up space and make the document history hard to read

Online Users Application 1.2.1

0 Votes

by: Djebloun Sidali

Allow you to view the number and the list of online users

GitLab CI Application 2.4

0 Votes

by: Ludovic Dubost, Denis Gervalle, Clément Aubin

Display information about XWiki extensions built through the GitLab CI

Mocca Calendar Application 2.9.5

0 Votes

by: Denis Gotthans, Clemens Robbenhaar, Thomas Mortagne

A Calendar Application supporting several Calendars

XWiki Livetable Checkbox Column Macro 1.1.0

0 Votes

by: Raluca Stavro

Adds the option to select the rows of a livetable by inserting a new column with checkboxes in the table.

THEAD HTML5 renderer 1.0

0 Votes

by: Thomas Mortagne

An HTML5 renderer which automatically adds THEAD element around first TABLE heading lines
Created by Administrator on 2011/11/19 00:20