Add Extensions

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Thumbnail Macro 1.1

0 Votes

by: Flavius Olaru

Displays an image as thumbnail.

Groovy Macro 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Adds ability to write scripts in Groovy in wiki pages

Inner Dark ColorTheme 1.0

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Official ColorTheme

Message Stream Application 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is installed

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Macro to display a message stream

Application - Wiki Initializer - API 1.2.0

0 Votes

by: Clément Aubin

An extension that allows to initialize the main wiki and sub-wikis

Attachment Validation Application 16.7.1

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

User Interface for the attachments validation

Link Checker Application 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is installed

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Displays statuses of external links found in the wiki

Statistics Application 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is installed

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Panels and pages providing XWiki statistics

Filter XWiki Instance module 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Extract data from the current XWiki instance

Wiki Component API 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Make it possible to implement a component in a wiki page, using wiki objects

Maven connector for Extension Repository 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Allows accessing extensions located in a Maven repository

Wiki Macro Store 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Defines the ability to store macros into wiki pages

Mail Sender API 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

API to send emails

TWiki Syntax 1.0 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

XWiki Rendering - Syntax - TWiki

Solr Search API 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

Solr engine management: configuration, indexing, listeners, script service, etc. This module does not handle the search queries

Instance API 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

API related to the XWiki instance (e.g. compute a unique id for the instance)

LaTeX for the Figure Macro 15.4.4

0 Votes

by: Manuel Leduc, Vincent Massol, XWiki Development Team

LaTeX specific code for the Figure macro

Mail Sender Storage API 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

API to store mails and their statuses

Flavor API 16.7.1

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

API to get flavors from the repositories.

Blame API 16.7.1

Version 6.4.1 is provided

0 Votes

by: XWiki Development Team

API to produce blame/annotate/praise information from a history of changes
Created by Administrator on 2011/11/19 00:20