- XWiki Labs
- SearchCode
- Search Suggest Configuration
Search Suggest Configuration
Search Suggest
- Yes
3 Document names
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceDocumentName
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- lucene
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestLuceneService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- name:__INPUT__* OR web:__INPUT__*
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:page_white_text
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 1
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Document content
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- $services.localization.render('platform.search.suggestSourceDocumentContent')
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- $xwiki.getURL('XWiki.SuggestLuceneService', 'get', 'outputSyntax=plain')
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- __INPUT__*
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- $xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/silk/page_white_text.png')
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 0
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Attachment names
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceAttachmentName
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- lucene
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestLuceneService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- filename:__INPUT__* AND type:attachment
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:attach
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 1
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Attachment content
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceAttachmentContent
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- lucene
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestLuceneService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- ft:__INPUT__* AND type:attachment
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:attach
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 0
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Blog posts
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceBlogPost
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- lucene
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestLuceneService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- __INPUT__* AND object:Blog.BlogPostClass
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:page_white_picture
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 0
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 0
3 Users
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceUsers
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- lucene
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestLuceneService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- __INPUT__* AND object:XWiki.XWikiUsers
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:user
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 0
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Wikis
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceWikis
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- lucene
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- xwiki:WikiManager.WikisSuggestLuceneService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- XWiki.XWikiServerClass.wikiprettyname:__INPUT__*
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:chart_organisation
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 1
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Document names
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceDocumentName
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- solr
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestSolrService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- fq=type:DOCUMENT qf=title^2 name
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:page_white_text
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 1
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Document content
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceDocumentContent
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- solr
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestSolrService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- fq=type:DOCUMENT qf=doccontent^2 doccontentraw
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:page_white_text
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 0
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Attachment names
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceAttachmentName
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- solr
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestSolrService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- fq=type:ATTACHMENT qf=filename
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:attach
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 1
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Attachment content
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceAttachmentContent
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- solr
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestSolrService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- fq=type:ATTACHMENT qf=attcontent
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:attach
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 0
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Blog posts
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceBlogPost
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- solr
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestSolrService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- fq=type:DOCUMENT fq=class:Blog.BlogPostClass qf=object.Blog.BlogPostClass
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:page_white_picture
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 0
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 0
3 Users
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceUsers
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- solr
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- XWiki.SuggestSolrService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- fq=type:DOCUMENT fq=class:XWiki.XWikiUsers qf=property.XWiki.XWikiUsers.last_name^10 property.XWiki.XWikiUsers.first_name^5 name^2.5 object.XWiki.XWikiUsers
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:user
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 0
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
3 Wikis
- The name used to group search results taken from this source. It can be a translation key.
- platform.search.suggestSourceWikis
- The search engine used to retrieve the results. This source is ignored if the current wiki is configured to use a different search engine.
- solr
- The search suggest service. It can be either a document reference or an external URL.
- xwiki:WikiManager.WikisSuggestSolrService
- The query that is passed to the search suggest service. It must contain a __INPUT__ placeholder for the searched text.
- fq=type:DOCUMENT fq=hidden:true fq=class:XWiki.XWikiServerClass qf=property.XWiki.XWikiServerClass.wikiprettyname
- The maximum number of search results taken from this source.
- 3
- The icon used to mark search results taken from this source. E.g. icon:user
- icon:chart_organisation
- Highlight the searched text in the search suggest results.
- 1
- Whether this source is used or not (as long as the source search engine matches the search engine used by the current wiki).
- 1
Created by Administrator on 2014/02/11 18:20