- XWiki Labs
- XWiki Space
- WYSIWYG Editor Configuration Class
- WYSIWYG Editor Configuration Panel
- WYSIWYG Editor Configuration Panel
WYSIWYG Editor Configuration Panel
General settings
- Enable or disable the WYSIWYG/Source tabs.
- Yes
- The list of plugins that are loaded by the WYSIWYG editor. You can change the order in which they are loaded by drag and drop. You can also add new plugins to the list or remove existing ones.
submit readonly line separator embed text valign list indent history format symbol link image table macro import font color justify style
- The list of entries on the WYSIWYG editor menu bar. You can change their order by drag and drop. You can also add new entries on the menu bar or remove existing ones. Each menu bar entry is provided by a plugin and is displayed only if that plugin is loaded.
- The list of features available on the WYSIWYG editor tool bar. You can change their order by drag and drop. You can also add new features on the tool bar or remove existing ones. Each tool bar feature is provided by a plugin and is displayed only if that plugin is loaded.
bold italic underline strikethrough | subscript superscript | unorderedlist orderedlist | outdent indent | undo redo | format | hr symbol | paste forecolor backcolor fontname fontsize justifycenter justifyfull justifyleft justifyright stylename
- Enable if you want the content that is pasted into the rich text area to be cleaned automatically. The cleaning process implies fixing HTML validity (e.g. by removing elements that are custom to some office document formats) and also filtering text styles like font, color, alignment or margins. Content structure like heading levels, paragraphs, list or tables are preserved. Semantic text styles like strong, emphasize, underline or strikethrough are also preserved. You can still clean the paste content when this option is disabled if you have the paste icon on the tool bar, but you have to trigger the clean manually.
- Yes
Link settings
- When creating a link to an attachment allow the user to choose only from the attachments of the edited page.
- No
Image settings
- Allow users to insert external images, i.e. images that are not attached to a wiki page.
- Yes
- When inserting an image allow the user to choose only from the list of images attached to the edited page.
- No
Color settings
- The number of colors to display per row in the color picker.
- 8
- The colors available in the color picker. You can change any color by clicking on it.
#000000, #444444, #666666, #999999, #CCCCCC, #EEEEEE, #F3F3F3, #FFFFFF, #FF0000, #FF9900, #FFFF00, #00FF00, #00FFFF, #0000FF, #9900FF, #FF00FF, #F4CCCC, #FCE5CD, #FFF2CC, #D9EAD3, #D0E0E3, #CFE2F3, #D9D2E9, #EAD1DC, #EA9999, #F9CB9C, #FFE599, #B6D7A8, #A2C4C9, #9FC5E8, #B4A7D6, #D5A6BD, #E06666, #F6B26B, #FFD966, #93C47D, #76A5AF, #6FA8DC, #8E7CC3, #C27BA0, #CC0000, #E69138, #F1C232, #6AA84F, #45818E, #3D85C6, #674EA7, #A64D79, #990000, #B45F06, #BF9000, #38761D, #134F5C, #0B5394, #351C75, #741B47, #660000, #783F04, #7F6000, #274E13, #0C343D, #073763, #20124D, #4C1130
Font settings
- The list of font names available in the font picker. You can add new font names or remove existing ones.
Andale Mono, Arial, Arial Black, Book Antiqua, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Helvetica, Impact, Symbol, Tahoma, Terminal, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Webdings, Wingdings
- The list of font sizes available in the font picker. You can change their order by drag and drop. You can also add new font sizes or remove existing ones.
8px 10px 12px 14px 18px 20px 24px 30px 36px
Style settings
- The list of style names available in the style picker. You can also add new style names or remove/edit existing ones.